meet hgtv Peggy Albers! her age, net worth, married, family

Meet Peggy Albers from Lakefront Empire on HGTV. Watchers get an inside glimpse at the real estate market on Missouris Lake of the Ozarks with HGTVs newest real estate series, Lakefront Empire. This popular vacation spot, which is situated between St. Louis and Kansas City and has more beachfront miles than the California coast, is

Meet Peggy Albers from Lakefront Empire on HGTV. Watchers get an inside glimpse at the real estate market on Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks with HGTV’s newest real estate series, Lakefront Empire. This popular vacation spot, which is situated between St. Louis and Kansas City and has more beachfront miles than the California coast, is sometimes referred to as the Midwest’s Hamptons.

How much is her net worth? How old is she now? Is she married? Get to know all about her in this piece below.

Peggy Albers On Lakefront Empire

In her first year in business, Lake of the Ozarks native Peggy Albers sold $8 million worth of real estate. Nevertheless, there were obstacles in the way of the HGTV’s ‘Lakefront Empire’ star’s ascent to fame, such as a stint in state and federal prison for drug trafficking. She began her drug trafficking career at the age of 19. She was caught, imprisoned, and served her entire 30s behind bars.

Peggy was 45 years old when she was released from prison. In 2024, she has risen to the top of the Lake of the Ozarks real estate market, making more money than she has ever had, giving back to her community, and “pay[ing] a lot of taxes.” Upon her release from over 15 years of incarceration, Peggy made it her mission to never go back. She said, “I was done,” in 2020 before a Senate subcommittee.

But the road from prison to being a contributing member of society wasn’t without its share of difficulties, roadblocks, and turns. It was hard work, and Peggy said the only reason she had a shot was because of the people who encouraged her. Her father advised her to get a real estate license when she inquired what she should do to get back on her feet. She did, however, have a criminal past, therefore the licensing board rejected her application.

Peggy, however, was given a probationary license to sell real estate after winning a lawsuit against the realtor board with the support of her family.

“They say if you can sell three to five things in a year, it might be the job for you. I sold 35 things, and I made $102,000 my first year out of prison,” Peggy said. She assists women, a large number of them were just released from prison. “Whether it be their rent, cell phone, or transportation, I try to contribute financially to get them back on their feet,” she stated.

In 2024, along with five other realtors, Peggy is starring on HGTV’s Lakefront Empire.

How Much Is Peggy Albers Net Worth?

Peggy Albers has a net worth exceeding $3 million as of 2024. She has joined Four Seasons Realty, continuing the family’s real estate expertise. She is the third member of the Albers real estate family. Despite a difficult past, Peggy’s perseverance enabled her to sell more than $8 million worth of real estate in her first year of business (more than $4 million in the first quarter of 2017).

Co-founded by her sister Mary, Albers Real Estate Advisors is a formidable team in the Lake of the Ozarks that has sold over $100 million in combined sales over the past three years.

After closing more than $4 million in real estate in her first year, Peggy was crowned Four Seasons Realty’s Top Rookie of ALL TIME! She was highlighted, including on the cover, in the October 2017 issue of Top Agent Magazine. “Less than 20 months since her first sale, Peggy Albers is on track to close over $20 million in sales for her second full year!” said the newspaper. Being featured in Top Agent Magazine with other notable real estate professionals excited Peggy.

Peggy joins her new position with experience in sales of condominiums and outdoor advertising. She has been invited to give a speech at an international professional development conference in Qatar. Despite her repeated allegations that she chose the incorrect industry, she studied business management for two years at Missouri State University.

Released out of prison, when Peggy asked her father what she should do to get back on her feet, he suggested she seek a real estate license. “They say if you can sell three to five things in a year, it might be the job for you. I sold 35 things, and I made $102,000 my first year out of prison,” Peggy shared.

Her ordeals of establishing herself in the community inspired her to help others. The real estate agent is working on a company called WOO (Women Overcoming Obstacles) to help women who have been incarcerated. She has already given $372K of her own money to the cause.

Peggy Albers Age

In November 2023, Peggy Albers turned 54 years old.

Peggy Albers Family

Peggy Albers is the daughter of Jim Albers. Her dad is the founder of Four Seasons Realty and has an experience of more than 51 years. In September 2023, Jim reached 85 years of age.

Peggy has a sister named Mary Albers and a brother named James P Albers and Kenneth Albers. Her brother Jimmy, a native of Lake of the Ozarks and newly licensed realtor with the Bagnell Dam Association of Realtors, joined the Albers team at Four Seasons Realty.

Albers worked in management at a number of U.S. restaurants, including Tony’s in St. Louis and Four Seasons’ HK (formerly Toledo Room) in Lake Ozark; The Worthington Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas; and The Carriage House, Miami Beach, and Marco Beach Resort, both in Florida, before relocating to Denmark and starting the nation’s first Mexican restaurant.

He attended the School of the Osage and graduated in 1977.

Is Peggy Albers Married?

Yes, Peggy Albers is married to her husband Kevin Grace. “I met Kevin when we were young, and he was working as a bellman at a lodge. I had to beg him to marry me — probably over 50 times — until he said yes!” Peggy shared with HGTV.

The pair most recently celebrated their anniversary in December 2023. Kevin posted on his Facebook, “How truly Blessed I am Thank you Lord Jesus Happy Anniversary Peggy Albers.”

In another post from November 2023, Kevin shared, “Having peggy in my life has been the greatest accomplishment I have ever made and to celebrate her birthday on this awesome day is God given! Please help celebrate my wife’s awesome day by telling her how special my movie star is!”

Kevin is a longtime deer farmer/rancher at the Whitetail Sales & Services deer farm in Eldon, Missouri.

Peggy is a mom to one son Hunter. Hunter was almost 16 years old when Peggy was released from prison. “My parents raised him during that time,” shares Peggy. “I have two brothers, Jimmy and Kenny, and a sister Mary, who is also a real estate agent and my role model.”

Peggy Albers Height

Peggy Albers’s height measures under 5 feet 6 inches.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Peggy Albers From?

Peggy calls Lake Ozark, Missouri her hometown and current residence.

  • When Is Peggy Albers Birthday?

Peggy Albers’s birthday is on 24 November.

  • Is Peggy Albers On Instagram?

Yes, Peggy uses Instagram (@teamalbers).

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