GH may be prompted on Monday 4/8/2024 - General Hospital

I am listening to ABC World News, David Muir said join them live Monday at 2pm for coverage of the solar eclipse. 4 Likes Thanks for the warning.Just got notification that the local schools are being released early that day.My boss is actually taking the day off and driving with her family to see it.

I am listening to ABC World News, David Muir said join them live Monday at 2pm for coverage of the solar eclipse.


Thanks for the warning.
Just got notification that the local schools are being released early that day.
My boss is actually taking the day off and driving with her family to see it.


I’ll be watching the eclipse here in NY. Many hotels and motels are booked solid and have been for months. Many businesses were asked by government officials to close for the day. We have been warned about visitors coming in, crowds, traffic delays - extra travel time/extra vehicles, vehicles stopping in the middle of the road and not moving. Some retail places are having eclipse parties. Some hotels and motels are offering eclipse packages and or parties. Free eclipse glasses have been offered by many places and some retail establishments have offered them for sale. Looking forward to experiencing from my yard.


I just noticed that I should have put preempted. I know I had it spelled wrong and clicked on the correct spelling. Oh well, things can and do go wrong from time to time.


Yes, I do not see Monday, 4/8 being recorded on my DVR. I rather they just pre-empt that episode instead of interrupting in the middle. A planned pre-emption is good as well because it will not screw up our DVRs later in the week.

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I meant to say preempted. ABC will cover the solar eclipse.

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My DVR doesn’t show GH for that day either (I mentioned this in a previous topic that didn’t get posted).

I’ve been asking myself this for weeks.

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I have a friend that lives in Niagara Falls Canada.

He said he was going to do a Facebook live. He has special glasses for himself and his dog and something for his camera lens so it doesn’t blind viewers.

General Hospital is not listed in my TV Guide for Monday either.

Dogs should be kept inside - he’s taking a big risk .
I’m half hour from the Falls and we are expecting over a million visitors - business’s are closed -

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He’s going to have his solar eclipse glasses on. This man loves his dog probably more than life, and wouldn’t put him at risk.

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I am going to watch today’s episode on Monday since I do not have a chance to watch it today or this weekend so for once I am thankful for the pre-emption.

Well he is - vets are telling people not to expose their pets and to keep them indoors.

It’s just like people if you don’t have the proper glasses on you shouldn’t be out there. But he has special glasses that are designed to fit a dog. His pup is going to be just fine. It isn’t the first eclipse they’ve watched together.

if you just look at the guide on your TV…you see, ABC is covering the Eclipse for hours on monday…so no GH…That’s life!

The last total eclipse was in 1925 .

I’m not referring to total eclipses. There have been partially eclipses. And partial eclipses are just as dangerous to your eyes as a full eclipse.

Thank you for being concerned about his dog, but he loves that dog more than life itself and he wouldn’t put him at risk. Like I said he has special glasses for his dog. He has a pair for himself a pair for his dog and something to put over his camera lens.

He even has goggles for his dog for when they go for a car ride and he wants to stick his head out the window. If there was such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a dog and have him as my master. :hugs:


