All Dead by Daylight Characters and Perks

Recommended Videos Aside from playing a specific killer, the only way to change your experience in Dead By Daylight is to use perks. The four perks you bring into a match will determine what your goal is for that match. You could bring in four perks that all help with generator repair speed to speed

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Aside from playing a specific killer, the only way to change your experience in Dead By Daylight is to use perks. The four perks you bring into a match will determine what your goal is for that match. You could bring in four perks that all help with generator repair speed to speed up the game or bring in four perks that help you with looping the killer and spend the whole game keeping the killer’s attention on you. But with so many perks in Dead By Daylight, it can be hard to remember them all. Let’s go over every perk in Dead By Daylight.

All Survivors Perks in Dead By Daylight

Characterless perks

  • Dark Sense – When you complete a generator is completed Dark Sense will activate. The next time the killer is within 24 meters of you their aura will be revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Deja Vu – The auras of the three closet generators are revealed to you for 60 seconds at the start of a match and each time a generator is completed. You repair generators 5% faster when this perk is active. If you are holding a map generators revealed by Deja Vu are added to it.
  • Guardian – When you unhook a survivor the unhooked survivor gets no scratch marks or pools of blood and a 7% haste bonus for eight seconds. You also have the killer’s aura revealed to you for eight seconds.
  • Hope – when the exit gates are powered you gain a 7% haste effect.
  • Inner Healing – Each time you cleanse a totem the perk will activate, If you enter a locker you will heal one health state after eight seconds.
  • Kindred – when you are hooked all survivors can see the auras of all other survivors and the killer’s aura is revealed to all survivors if they are within 16 meters of your hook. While any other survivor is hooked you will see the aura of all other survivors and the killer’s aura will be revealed to you if they are within 16 meters of the hook.
  • Kinship – While you are on the hook and in your second stage kinship will activate. If another survivor is within 16 meters of you the struggle phase timer is paused for 34 seconds.
  • Lightweight – Your scratch marks disappear 5 seconds sooner and they are spaced inconsistently.
  • No One Left Behind – Once the exit gates are powered this perk will activate. Your unhooking and healing speed is increased by 50%. You gain 100% extra blood points for actions in the Altruism category. Any survivor you unhook will be given a 7% haste buff for 10 seconds. All survivor auras are revealed to you.
  • Plunderer’s Instinct – The auras of all closed chests and dropped items are revealed to you within 32 meters. You have a much higher chance of finding a higher rarity item from a chest.
  • Premonition – When the killer is within 36 meters of you and you look in their direction you will receive an auditor warning. The perk then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.
  • Renewal – When you heal other survivors for a total of one health state the perk will activate. When you are unhooked and the perk is active you receive the broken status effect for 20 seconds. After the 20 seconds, you are healed for one health state unless you get downed.
  • Resilience – when you are injured your repair speed, healing speed, sabotaging speed, unhooking speed, vaulting speed, cleansing speed, opening speed, and unlocking speed are increased by 9%.
  • Self-Aware – You walk 20% faster and can see your own scratch marks.
  • Situational Awareness – While you are repairing a generator the aura of the generator is revealed to all other survivors within 32 meters. If a killer downs a survivor while you are repairing a generator you will see the auras of all other survivors for 10 seconds.
  • Slippery Meat – You get 3 additional chances to self-unhook. the self-unhook chance increases by 4%.
  • Small Game – receive an auditory notification when you are looking at a totem within a 45-degree cone and within 12 meters of yourself. each time a totem is cleansed you gain a token that decreases the cone by 5 degrees down to a 20-degree cone. The perk has a 10-second cooldown before you can receive another audio alert.
  • Spine Chill – when the killer is within 36 meters the perk will activate. If there is a terror radius the perk will show how intense it is with its icon. While the perk is active your repairing speed, healing speed, sabotaging speed, unhooking speed, cleansing speed, blessing speed, opening speed, and unlocking speed are increased by 6%.
  • This Is Not Happening – Increases the success zones of great skill check while repairing and healing by 30% while in the injured state.
  • We’ll Make It – Increase your healing speed by 100% for 90 seconds after you unhook another survivor.

Ace’s Perks

  • Ace In The Hole – When oping a chest you have a 100% chance for an add-on of very rare rarity or lower being on the item. You also have a 50% chance of a second add-on of uncommon rarity or lower being equipped as well.
  • Open-Handed – All aura reading ranges for you and your team are increased by 16 meters.
  • Up The Ante – For each survivor alive in the match, the perk gains one token. Each token gives all survivors a 3% bonus to their luck up to 9% bonus luck.

Adam’s Perks

  • Autodidact – You being the trial with a -25% progression penalty for skill check when healing another survivor. for each successful skill check you gain one token up to five total. Each token grants a 15% bonus to progression for successful skill checks. You can not make great skill checks while healing with this perk equipped.
  • Deliverance – If you manage to perform a safe unhook rescue during a match the perk activates. If you get hooked with the perk active you will have a 100% chance to unhook yourself and you will be broken for 60 seconds if you unhook yourself.
  • Diversion – While within the killer’s terror and not in a chase, the perk will charge up over 30 seconds. Once the perk is charged you can activate it to throw a rock in the direction you are facing that will provide a notification to the killer.

Ash’s Perks

  • Buckle Up – You can tell how much a dying survivor has recovered by the intensity of their aura. While you are healing a survivor in the dying state the killer’s aura is revealed to both survivors for 10 seconds.
  • Flip-Flop – 50% of your recovery progress in the dying state is converted to wiggle bar completion when you are picked up by the killer.
  • Metal of Man – After you take three protection hits the perk activates. Any damage that would take you from the injured state to the dying state is blocked. When you are healed your aura will be revealed to the killer if you are more than 16 meters away. When you are downed after using this perk you are made the obsession.

Bill’s Perks

  • Left Behind – When you are the last survivor the aura of the hatch is revealed to you within 32 meters.
  • Unbreakable – Once per match you can recover from the dying state to the injured state by fully filling up your recovery bar. You recover 35% faster.
  • Borrowed time – Extends the duration of the endurance status effect and the haste status effect by 10 seconds when you unhook a survivor.


Cheryl’s Perks

  • Blood Pact – When you or the Obsession are injured you can see each other’s auras. After healing the Obsession or being healed by the Obsession, you both gain a 7% haste until you are more than 16 meters apart. If you are the obsession the perk deactivates.
  • Repressed Alliance – After repairing a generator for 45 seconds you can use your active ability button while repairing a generator to block the generator for 30 seconds. The aura of the generator is revealed to all survivors in white while it is blocked.
  • Soul Guard – when you recover from the dying state you are given endurance for 8 seconds. if you are cursed by a hex totem you can fully recover from the dying state yourself.

Claudette’s Perks

  • Botany Knowledge – Increase your healing speed by 50%. Medkits healing efficiency by 20%.
  • Empathy – The aura of all survivors in the injured or dying state is revealed to you if they are within 128 meters.
  • Self-Care – You can heal yourself without a medkit at 35% of the normal healing speed.

David’s Perks

  • Dead Hard – While in the injured state and running you can use your active ability button to grant yourself endurance for 0.5 seconds. you suffer from the exhausted effect for 40 seconds after you use the perk.
  • No Mither – You begin the trial broken and will remain broken for the full match. You leave behind no blood pools. Your grunts of pain are reduced by 75%. Your recovery speed is increased by 25%. You can fully recover from the dying state without help.
  • We’re Gonna Live Forever – Increase the healing speed when you heal a downed survivor by 100%. You gain one token anytime you perform a safe hook rescue, take a protection hit, stun or blind a killer carrying a survivor. You can consume one token to grant a survivor you heal from the dying state the endurance effect for 10 seconds.

Tapp’s Perks

  • Detective’s Hunch – Each time a generator is completed the auras of all generators, chests, and totems within 64 meters are revealed to you for 10 seconds. If you have a map the location of all these objects is added to it when they are revealed.
  • Stake Out – You gain a token for this perk every 15 seconds you are within the killer’s terror radius and not in chase up to four tokens. Each good skill check you make consumes a token and becomes a great skill check with an additional 1% of progression.
  • Tenacity – While in the dying state your crawl speed is increased by 50%. You can crawl and recover at the same time. The noises you make while in the dying state are reduced by 75%.

Dwight’s Perks

  • Bond – The Auras of all survivors within 36 meters of you are revealed.
  • Leader – Increase the action speed of survivors that are healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing, opening, and unlocking by 25% when they are within eight meters of you. The effect lasts for 15 seconds after they leave your range.
  • Prove Thyself – Increases your repair speed by 15% for each survivor within four meters of you. This effect if granted to other survivors within four meters of you. You gain 100% bonus bloodpoints for Cooperative actions.

Elodie’s Perks

  • Appraisal – This perk starts with three tokens. During a match, you can use a token to rummage through an open chest for an item. You rummage 80% faster.
  • Deception – every 40 seconds you can interact with a locker to trigger a notification for the killer at your location. You will not leave behind and scratch marks or pools of blood for three seconds after you use this perk.
  • Power Struggle – While in the dying state, you can see the aura of useable pallets. If you reach 15% wiggle progression while being carried by the killer you can drop a nearby pallet and stun the killer if they walk within the pallet’s range.

Felix’s Perks

  • Built to Last – Hiding inside a locker for 12 seconds with a broken item will restore 99% of its durability. Each time you use this perk the durability recovered goes down by 33%.
  • Desperate Measures – increase your healing and unhooking speed by 14% for each injured, dying, or hooked survivor.
  • Visionary – The auras of generators are revealed to you within 32 meters. Each time a generator is finished this perk is disabled for 16 seconds.

Feng’s Perks

  • Alert – Whenever the killer destroys or damages an object their aura is revealed to you for five seconds.
  • Lithe – when you perform a rushed vault you will move 150% faster for 3 seconds. You will then be exhausted for 40 seconds.
  • Technician – Failing a skill check will not generate a sound but you will suffer an additional 3% regression penalty to your progress. The generator repair noise range is reduced by eight meters.

Haddie’s Perks

  • Inner Focus – You can see the scratch marks of other survivors. When a survivor loses a health state within 32 meters of you, you can see the killer’s aura for 5 seconds.
  • Overzealous – After you cleanse a totem the perk will activate. Your generator repair speed is increased by 8% for a dull totem and 16% if it was a hex totem. If you lose a health state, the perk will deactivate.
  • Residual Manifest – When you blind the killer with a flashlight, the killer will suffer from the blindness effect for 30 seconds. You can rummage through an open chest once per match to find a basic flashlight.

Jake’s Perks

  • Calm Spirit – Crows will not be alerted by you unless you step on them. You will not scream from pain at times. You make no noise when opening chests or cleansing totems but you perform these actions 30% slower.
  • Iron Will – Reduce the noise you make while injured by 75%. If you are exhausted this perk will not work.
  • Saboteur – When a killer is carrying a survivor you can see the aura of all hooks. You can sabotage a hook without a toolbox once every 60 seconds.

Jane’s Perks

  • Head On – This perk will activate after hiding in a locker for 3 seconds. If you hold sprint as you leave a locker with this perk active you can stun the killer for 3 seconds if they are in range. This perk will apply exhausted for 40 seconds.
  • Poised – After a generator is completed you will not leave scratch marks for 10 seconds.
  • Solidarity – when you heal a survivor without using a medkit, you will receive 50% of the healing to your own progress bar if you are injured.

Jeff’s Perks

  • Aftercare – You can see the aura of survivors that you unhook, unhook you, you heal, healed you, or they can see your aura for any reason. This perk resets if you get hooked.
  • Breakdown – When you are unhooked you break the hook you were on for 180 seconds and see the killer’s aura for 6 seconds.
  • Distortion – This perk has three tokens at the beginning of a match. Anytime the killer would see your aura a token is consumed from this perk to hide your aura and hide your scratch marks for 10 seconds. For every 30 seconds, you are inside the killer’s terror radius and not in a chase this perk will gain one token.

Jill’s Perks

  • Blast Mine – After repairing generators for a total of 66% of progress this perk will activate. After you repair a generator for 3 seconds, you can use your ability button to place a trap that will remain active for 45 seconds. A trapper generator will have its aura revealed to all survivors. If a killer tries to damage a trapped generator the generator will blind and stun anyone nearby.
  • Counterforce – You cleanse totems 20% faster. After you cleanse a totem the farthest totem from you will have its aura revealed for 4 seconds.
  • Resurgence – after being unhooked your heal progress immediately gets 50% completed.

Jonah’s Perks

  • Boon: Exponential – Anyone inside the boon’s radius can recover 100% faster and can fully recover from the dying state with no help.
  • Corrective action – This perk begins with three tokens and gains a token anytime you make a great skill check up to five tokens. Anytime another survivor fails a skill check on a generator you are working on a token is consumed and the skill check is treated as a pass.
  • Overcome – When you are injured you keep the movement speed boost you gain for two additional seconds. This perk applies the exhausted effect for 40 seconds when used.


Kate’s Perks

  • Boil Over – When a killer picks you up they will be unable to see hooks auras within 16 meters. The effect of your wiggling is increased by 80% and your wiggle progression fills for 33% of your progression if the killer falls from a great height.
  • Dance With Me – When you vault or leave a locker you will not leave behind any scratch marks for 3 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 40 seconds.
  • Windows of Opportunity – The auras of pallets, windows, and breakable walls are revealed to you within 32 meters.

Laurie’s Perks

  • Decisive Strike – When you are unhooked this perk activates for 60 seconds. If the killer picks you up before this perk deactivates you will be given a skill check. If passed you will stun the killer for 3 seconds and escape their grasp.
  • Object of Obsession – When your aura is revealed to the killer this perk activates. When this perk is active you will see the killer’s aura and your action speed is increased by 6%. This perk reveals your aura to the killer for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.
  • Sole Survivor – Each time a survivor is sacrificed or killed this perk gains a token. Each token will hide your aura from the killer for 24 meters up to 72 meters. Once you are the last survivor in the match you gain increased generator repair speed by 75% and your exit gate opening speed is increased by 50%

Leon’s Perks

  • Bite The Bullet – You make no noise when healing. If you fail a healing skill check you do not trigger a notification for the killer and the regression penalty is only 1%.
  • Flashbang – After repairing generators for a total of 50% this perk activates. If you enter a locker with no item in your hand and press the ability button you will craft a flashbang.
  • Rookie Spirit – After you manage to hit 3 skill checks while repairing generators this perk will activate. Any regressing generator will have its aura revealed to you.

Meg’s Perks

  • Adrenaline – When the exit gates are powered you heal for one health state and move at 150% movement speed for 5 seconds. This perk will activate once you get off a hook if you are hooked when the perk would acvtivate. This perk applies exhaustion for 40 seconds.
  • Quick & Quite – Every 20 seconds this perk will suppress the noise notification and the sound effect when you quick vault a pallet or window and when you quickly exit or enter a locker.
  • Sprint Burst – When you being to sprint you will move at a 150% sprint speed for 3 seconds. This perk applies exhaustion for 40 seconds.

Mikaela’s Perks

  • Boon: Circle of Healing – When inside the boon a survivor can heal themselves at 50% speed and increases all healing speed by 50%.
  • Boon: Shadowstep – A survivor inside of this boon’s radius will not leave scratch marks and has their aura hidden from the killer. This effect will linger for 4 seconds after leaving the boon’s radius.
  • Clairvoyance – After you cleanse a totem this perk will activate. You can hold down the ability button when you are not carrying an item to see the aura of exit gates, generators, hooks, chests, and the hatch within 64 meters for 10 seconds total.

Nea’s Perks

  • Balanced Landing – When you fall from a great height you will take a 75% reduced stagger, make no noise, and move at 150% sprint speed for 3 seconds. This perk applies exhaustion for 40 seconds.
  • Streetwise – The effciencey of items you use is increased by 25%. This effect radiates within eight meters of you and will last for 15 seconds once outside of your radius.
  • Urban Evasion – You move at 100% increased movement speed while crouched.

Quentin’s Perks

  • Pharmacy – When you are injured this perk will activate. The unlocking speed of chests is increased by 80%, and The sound range of your unlocking chests is decreased by eight meters. You will get an emergency med kit when you unlock a chest.
  • Vigil – You recover from negative status effects 30% faster. this effect will apply to all other survivors within eight meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.
  • Wake Up! – Once all generators are repaired this perk will activate. the auras of exit gates are revealed to you within 128 meters. When you are opening an exit gate your aura is revealed to all survivors within 128 meters. You open exit gates 25% faster.

Yoichi’s Perks

  • Boon: Dark Theory – While inside the radius of this boon a survivor will be given a 2% haste. This effect will linger for 4 seconds once outside the boon.
  • Empathic Connection – Your aura is revealed to any injured survivor within 96 meters of you. You heal survivors 10% faster.
  • Parental Guidance – After you stun the killer you will leave behind no scratch marks or pools of blood and make no grunts of pain for 7 seconds.

Yui’s Perks

  • Any Means Necessary – You can see the aura of any dropped pallets. You can use your ability button to reset a pallet to the upright position. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.
  • Breakout – When within six meters of the killer carrying a survivor this perk activates. You gain a 7% haste and the survivor’s wiggle speed is increased by 20%.
  • Lucky Break – When you are injured you leave behind no scratch marks or pools of blood for up to 60 seconds. Each second spent healing a survivor will add one second back to the duration of this perk.

Yun-Jin’s Perks

  • Fast Track – Whenever another survivor is hooked you gain three tokens up to 27 tokens. All tokens are consumed upon a great skill check when repairing a generator. Each token consumed adds an extra 1% to the progression bonus of the skill check.
  • Self-Preservation – Whenever another survivor is hit with a basic attack or special attack within 16 meters of you this perk will activate for 10 seconds. While this perk is active you leave no scratch marks of pools of blood and make no grunts of pain.
  • Smash Hit – Whenever you stun a killer with a pallet you gain a 150% sprint speed bonus. This applies the exhausted effect for 40 seconds when used.

Zarina’s Perks

  • For The People – When healing a survivor without a medkit you can use the ability button to instantly heal them for one health state and apply the broken status effect to yourself for 60 seconds.
  • Off The Record – When you are unhooked this perk activates for 80 seconds. While active your aura can’t be seen by the killer, you make no grunts of pain, and you have the endurance status effect.
  • Red Herring- After repairing a generator for 3 seconds this perk will mark that generator. When you enter a locker the killer will receive a notification at the location of that generator.

All Killer Perks In Dead By Daylight

Characterless Perks

  • Bitter Murmur – Each time a generator is completed the aura of all survivors within 16 meters of that generator is revealed for 5 seconds. Once the last generator is completed the aura of all survivors is revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Claustrophobia – When a generator is completed, all windows within 32 meters of that generator will be blocked for 30 seconds. The aura of blocked windows is revealed to you.
  • Deerstalker – The auras of a survivor in the dying state are revealed to you if they are within 32 meters of you.
  • Distressing -Increase your terror radius by 26%. earn 100% extra bloodpoints in the deviousness category.
  • Fearmonger- When a survivor is repairing a generator they suffer from the blindness and exhausted status effect. this effect will linger for 5 seconds after the survivor stops repairing the generator.
  • Hex: No One Escapes Death – When the last generator has been completed a totem is activated and you gain a 4% increased movement speed. All survivors will suffer from exposed while the hex is active.
  • Hex: Thrill of The Hunt – For each totem remaining in the trial this perk gets one token. Each token decreased a survivor’s interaction speed with a totem by 10% and you gain 10% bonus blood points in the hunter category per token.
  • Insidious – Grants undetectable after standing still for 2 seconds and until you move.
  • Iron Grasp – Decreases wiggle effects on yourself by 75%. Increases the wiggle duration by 12%.
  • Jolt –  When you put a survivor in the dying state all generators within 32 meters regress by 8% and start regressing.
  • Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine – The basement hooks and scourge hooks. When you are more than 24 meters away from a survivor on a scourge hook their sacrifice process is accelerated by 20%.
  • Shattered Hope – When you snuff a boon totem you destroy the totem. When you snuff a boon totem the aura of survivors inside the boon’s range is revealed to you for 8 seconds.
  • Sloopy Butcher – when you injure a survivor with a basic attack you apply the hemorrhage and mangled status effect. The survivor bleeds 100% more frequently. If a survivor does not finish being healed the healing progression loss is increased by 25%.
  • Spies From The Shadows – Crows that are startled by survivors within 36 meters will provide a notification. This perk has a 5-second cooldown.
  • Unrelenting – The cool-down when you miss a basic attack is reduced by 30%.
  • Whispers – You hear the whispers of the entity when a survivor is within 32 meters of you.

Artist’s Perks

  • Grim Embrace – Each time a survivor is hooked for the first time this perk gains a token. At four tokens all generators are blocked for 40 seconds and the aura of the obsession is revealed to you for 5 seconds.
  • Hex: Pentimento – You can see the aura of cleansed totems. When you interact with a cleansed totem and relight it with this hex. each totem with this hex adds a compounding effect. One will reduce generator repair speed by 30%, two will decrease heal speed by 30%, three will decrease recovery speed by 30%, four will decrease exit gate opening speed by 30%, and five totems will block all totems from being cleansed.
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance – each time a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook the generator with the most progression will lose 15% of its progression and being regressing.

Blight’s Perks

  • Dragons Grip – After you kick a generator, the next survivor to interact with it within 30 seconds will scream and reveal their location for 4 seconds and suffer from the exposed status effect for 60 seconds. This perk has an 80-second cooldown.
  • Hex: Blood Favor – when a survivor loses a health state all pallets within 32 meters of that survivor are blocked.
  • Hex: Undying – When another perks’ hex totem is cleansed, the hex is transferred to the totem that undying is using and undying deactivates. any survivors within four meters of any dull totem have their aura revealed.

Cannibal’s Perks

  • Barbecue & Chilli – after hooking a survivor, all survivors that are 40 meters away from that hook will be revealed for 4 seconds.
  • Franklin’s Demise – When you basic attack a survivor holding an item they drop their item. If the item is not picked up within 90 seconds it will lose durability. All items that are lost this way are revealed to you when you are within 32 meters.
  • Knock Out – when a survivor is put into the dying state their aura is hidden from survivors more than 16 meters away from them. For 15 seconds after you down the survivor they will suffer from blindness, a 50% reduced mobility speed, 25% reduced recovery speed, a decreased FOV, and being deafened.

Cenobite’s Perks

  • Deadlock – When a generator is completed the generator with the most progression is blocked for 30 seconds. You see the aura of the blocked generator in white.
  • Hex: Plaything – When a survivor is unhooked a totem is activated and hat survivor is oblivious until the totem is cleansed. For the first 90 seconds of the totem being active, only the survivor cursed by it can cleanse it. The aura of the totem is revealed to the cursed survivor when they are within 16 meters.
  • Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain – when a survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook they will suffer from the Hemorrhage and mangled status effects. When the survivor is healed they will suffer from a 16% reduction to healing and repairing speed until they are healed again.

Clown’s Perks

  • Bamboozle – You vault windows 15% faster. When you vault a window the vault will be blocked for survivors for 16 seconds.
  • Coulrophobia – Any survivor in your terror radius will have their healing speed reduced by 50% and the speed of skill checks for healing is increased by 50%.
  • Pop Goes The Weasel – When you hook a survivor this perk activates for 45 seconds. The next generator you kick instantly loses 20% of its current progress.


Deathslinger’s Perks

  • Dead Man’s Switch – after you hook a survivor this perk activates for the next 45 seconds. If a survivor stops repairing a generator while this perk is active that generator will be blocked until the perk ends.
  • Gearhead – After a survivor loses a health state this perk will activate. The next time a survivor does a great skill check while repairing a generator their aura will be revealed for 10 seconds and this perk will deactivate.
  • Hex: Retribution – when a survivor is cleansing or blessing a totem they will suffer from the oblivious status for 45 seconds. After a survivor cleanses or blesses a totem the auras of all survivors will be revealed for 15 seconds.

Doctor’s Perks

  • Monitor and Abuse – Your terror radius is increased by 8 meters while you are in a chase. While you are outside of a chase your terror radius is reduced by 16 meters and your FOV is increased by 10 degrees.
  • Overcharge – Every generator you kick will be overcharged. The next survivor to repair that generator will be faced with a difficult skill check. If they fail the skill check the generator will lose 5% of progress. After you apply Overcharge to a generator it will begin regressing at 50% of the normal speed and will increase to a 200% regression rate over 30 seconds.
  • Overwhelming Presence – While a survivor is using an item inside of your terror radius, the depletion rate is increased by 100%.

Dredge’s Perks

  • Darkness Revealed – When you search a locked, all survivors within eight meters of a locker will have their aura revealed to you for 5 seconds. This perk will have a cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • Dissolution – 3 seconds after you injure a survivor this perk will activate for 20 seconds. If a survivor performs a fast vault over a pallet inside of your terror radius, that pallet will break.
  • Septic Touch – When a survivor heals inside of your terror radius they will suffer from blindness and exhaustion. These effects will linger for 10 seconds if the healing action is interrupted.

Executioner’s Perks

  • Deathbound – When a survivor heals another survivor for one health state at least 32 meters away from you, that survivor will scream and the perk will activate. The survivor will suffer from blindness when they are more than eight meters from the survivor they healed for 60 seconds.
  • Forced Penance – When a survivor takes a protection hit they will be broken for the next 80 seconds.
  • Trail of Torment – When you damage a generator you will be undetectable until that generator stops regressing or you injure a survivor. Survivors can see the damage generator’s aura. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.

Ghost Face’s Perks

  • Furtive Chase – Each time you hook the obsession, this perk gains one token. For each token, your terror radius is reduced by four meters in a chase. When a survivor unhooks the obsession, they become the new obsession.
  • I’m All Ears – When a survivor performs a rushed action within 48 meters of you their aura is revealed for 6 seconds. This perk has a 40-second cooldown.
  • Thrilling Tremors – when you pick up a survivor, all generators not being repaired will be blocked for 16 seconds. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.

Hag’s Perks

  • Hex: Devour Hope – When a survivor is unhooked and you are at least 24 meters away from the hook this perk gains a token. At two tokens you gain a 5% haste after you hook a survivor for 10 seconds. At three tokens all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect. At five tokens you can kill a downed survivor.
  • Hex: Ruin – When a generator is not being repaired it will regress at 100% regression speed. Once a survivor is killed this hex will deactivate.
  • Hex: The Third Seal – The last four survivors you injure will suffer from blindness.

Hillbilly’s Perks

  • Enduring – Reduces the pallet stun duration by 50%.
  • Lightborn – You can’t be blinded and when a survivor attempts to blind you with a flashlight their aura will be revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Tinkerer – When a generator is 70% repaired you will receive a notification and be undetectable for 16 seconds.

Huntress’s Perks

  • Beasts of Prey – When you have bloodlust active you also gain undetectable until you lose bloodlust. You also gain 50% bonus bloodpoints in the hunter category.
  • Hex: Huntress Lullaby – Each time you hook a survivor this perk gains a token. Each token will decrease the time between the sound queue. At five tokens there is no sound queue for survivor skill checks. Failed skill checks will have a 6% regression penalty.
  • Territorial Imperative – The aura of a survivor entering the basement is revealed when you are at least 32 meters away for 3 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

Legion’s Perks

  • Discordance – When a generator within 128 meters of you is being repaired by two or more survivors you will receive a notification and the generator will be marked.
  • Iron Maiden – You open lockers 50% faster. When a survivor exits a locker then will scream and be exposed for 30 seconds.
  • Mad Grit – While you are carrying a survivor you have no cooldown on missed attacks. If you injure a survivor while carrying another survivor the wiggle meter of the survivor will be paused for 4 seconds.

Nemesis’s Perks

  • Eruption – After you kick a generator it will be marked. When you put a survivor into the dying state the marked generator will explode losing 10% of progression and being regressing. Any survivor repairing the generator when it explodes will be incapacitated for 25 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • Hysteria – When you injure a survivor all injured survivors will be oblivious for 30 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • Lethal Pursuer – At the beginning of a match all survivors’ auras will be revealed for 9 seconds. Any time an aura would be revealed the effect will last 2 seconds longer.

Nightmare’s Perks

  • Blood Warden – Any survivors standing in an exit gate area will have their aura revealed. Once per match, when you hook a survivor when the exit gates are open will block the exit gates for 60 seconds.
  • Fire Up – Each time a generator gets repaired this perk gets a token. Each token provides a 4% speed up to picking up and dropping survivors, breaking pallets, breaking walls, damaging generators, and vaulting windows.
  • Remember Me- Each time the obsession loses a health state this perk gains one token and maxes out at four tokens. each token increases the amount of time the exit gates take to open by 4 seconds.


Nurse’s Perks

  • A Nurse’s Calling – The auras of survivors’ healing are revealed to you within 28 meters.
  • Stridor – Survivors’ grunts of pain are 50% lounder and their breathing is 25% louder.
  • Thanatophobia – all survivors suffer a 5.5% action speed penalty for each injured survivor.

Oni’s Perks

  • Blood Echo – When you hook a survivor all other injured survivors will have hemorrhage and exhaustion applied to them for 45 seconds. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.
  • Nemesis – Any survivor that blinds or stuns you will become the obsession. When the obsession switches to a new survivor, that survivor will suffer from oblivious for 60 seconds and have their aura revealed for 4 seconds.
  • Zanshin Tactics – The auras of breakable walls, pallets, and windows are revealed to you within 32 meters.

Onryo’s Perks

  • Call of Brine – when you damage a generator that generator will regress at 200% speed and when a survivor succeeds a skill check on that generator you will receive a notification.
  • Merciless Storm – Whenever a generator is 90% repaired all survivors repairing the generator will get continuous skill checks. If any survivor fails a skill check the generator will be blocked for 20 seconds.
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage – When a survivor is unhooked for a scourge hook the auras of all other survivors are revealed to you for 7 seconds.

Pig’s Perks

  • Hangman’s Trick – When a survivor is sabotaging a hook you will receive a notification. Any survivor within 6 meters of a hook will have their aura revealed while you are carrying a survivor.
  • Make Your Choice – When you are at least 32 meters away from a survivor unhooking a survivor, the rescuing survivor will be exposed for the next 60 seconds. This perk has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
  • Surveillance – Regressing generators will be marked. When a generator is no longer regressing and has been interrupted it will be highlighted for 16 seconds.

Plague’s Perks

  • Corrupt Intervention – At the beginning of a match the three farthest generators from you will be blocked for 120 seconds.
  • Dark Devotion – When you injure the obsession, your terror radius will transfer to the obsession for 30 seconds. You will be undetectable while your terror radius is transferred.
  • Infections Fright – When a survivor is put into the dying state any survivor inside of your terror radius will scream and reveal their location for 6 seconds.

Shape’s Perks

  • Dying Light – Each time you hook a survivor that is not your obsession this perk gains a token and can go up to 11 tokens. As long as the obsession is alive all other survivors will suffer a 3% penalty to repairing, healing, and sabotaging speeds per token. The obsession will not be affected and has a 33% speed bonus to unhooking and healing survivors.
  • Play With Your Food – Each time your obsession escapes a chase with you, this per will gain a token and max out at three tokens. Each token gives you a 5% haste boost. Each time you injure a survivor, this perk will lose a token.
  • Save The Best For Last – This perk gains a token each time you basic attack a survivor that is not your obsession and maxes out at eight tokens. Each token decreases your basic attack cooldown by 5%. Each time you injure your obsession you will lose two tokens.

Spirit’s Perks

  • Hex: Haunted Ground – Two totems are activated with this hex. When either totem is cleansed all survivors will be exposed for 60 seconds and the other totem will be deactivated.
  • Rancor – Each time a generator is completed your aura is revealed to the obsession for 3 seconds. Once all generators are completed the obsession will be exposed for the rest of the match. If you down the obsession after the last generator is completed you can instantly kill them.
  • Spirit Fury – Once you break two pallets this perk will activate. When this perk is active the next pallet that stuns you will be broken.

Trapper’s Perks

  • Agitation – While you are carrying a survivor you will get an 18% movement speed boost. Your terror radius will also be increased by 12 meters while carrying a survivor.
  • Brutal Strength – You gain a 20% speed boost while breaking pallets, walls, and damaging generators.
  • Unnerving Presence – Survivors repairing or healing in your terror radius have a 10% increased chance to receive a skill check. The success zone of these skill checks is 60% smaller

Trickster’s Perks

  • Hex: Crowd Control – When a survivor performs a quick vault through a window, that window will be blocked for 20 seconds.
  • No Way Out – For the first hook of each survivor this perk will gain a token. When the exit gates are powered this perk activates. When a survivor interacts with an exit gate switch both switches will be blocked for 12 seconds and an addional 12 seconds for each token. You will also receive a notification at the gate that was activated.
  • Starstruck – Any survivors within your terror radius when you pick up a dying survivor will be exposed and the effect will linger for 30 seconds after they leave your terror radius or you hook the survivor. This perk has a 60-second cooldown.

Twins’ Perks

  • Coup de Grace – Each time a generator is completed this perk gains a token. You can spend a token to increase your lunge distance by 80%.
  • Hoarder – When a survivor unlocks a chest or picks up an item within 64 meters of you, you will receive a notification. Two additional chests will spawn in the match.
  • Oppression – When you damage a generator, three other generators will begin regressing. If a selected generator is being repaired the survivor will receive a difficult skill check. This perk has an 80-second cooldown.

Wraith’s Perks

  • Bloodhound – Pools of blood left behind by survivors are brighter and can be seen for 4 seconds longer than normal.
  • Predator – Scratch marks left by survivors will be closer together.
  • Shadowborn – Your FOV is increased by 15 degrees.

Now that you know what all the perks are in Dead By Daylight you just need to remember what all the status effects are. If you need any more help with Dead By Daylight make sure to check out our other guides.

Dead by Daylight is available now and can be played on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, PC, IOS, and Android.

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